I'll be your cloud up in the sky
I'll be your shoulder
when you cry
I'll hear your voice
when you call me
I am your angel

And when all hope is gone,
I'm here
No matter how far you are,
I'm near
It makes no difference
who you are
I am your angel

I'm your angel

I saw the teardrops,
and I heard you cry
All you need is time,
seek me and you shall find
You have everything
and you're still lonely
It doesn't have to be this way,
let me show you a better day

And then you will see,
the morning will come
And all of your days will be bright as the sun
So all of your fears,
just cast them on me
How can I make you see...

I am your angel

I'm your angel

Funny for me, maybe not for you

Me: buy #/Free# storewide doesn't work

CoWorker: ok - no errors or anything, just doesn't work?

CoWorker: in the storefront? it adds the discount in the admint hough?

Me: no errors, it adds it in the admin, when you add items to the basket none are made free

CoWorker: k

CoWorker: that should probably be fixed :-)

Me: its up to you

CoWorker: damn that delete bug is just a pain

CoWorker: I can't figure it out

Me: the first one?

CoWorker: yup

CoWorker: it also causes dupes when you try to update a basket discount

Me: great

CoWorker: it's just not finding the records when it checks for them

CoWorker: dunno why yet

CoWorker: can you fix it for me? :-)

CoWorker: argh, I think I figured it out


CoWorker: but it may affect a lot of stuff :-

Me: :-(

CoWorker: no, I think it'll be ok

CoWorker: lol these are the moodswings I have during debugging

Me: hehehhe

CoWorker: grrr, ack, yay, whohoo, uh oh, god damn it, finally, thank god, ugh not again

That cracked me up. I need to get out more ;)

below - above
Something to Say?












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